I'm back. Kicking ass and taking names later/afterwards/after I'm done. Paging "Clean up man"
11 12 13
Preventing the enzymatic reaction in the skin of fruits -
active bruise awareness = non-waste of materials.
Scientology or Dianetics?
Or artichokes from a particular number of square miles surrounding the City of Sausalito, CA Or is it Cucamonga? Tarzana?
Cheboygin, Michigan - M1? chichbygn, mchgan -
Cheboygan, Wisconsin? W1? Cheboygan, Illinois? 1ll? Cheboygan, Indiana? 1N?
Kankake, 1l?
Poconos? Kokomo, NY? ===========================
Warner Bros. cartoon train conductor announces
the cities with funny names serviced on the train line.
Ishkabible, Ontario - lakeside beach - retreat
Cucamonga, CA
Walla Walla, WA
Cheboygin, WI, MI or IL
Kankake, IL
Tacomis, WA
Tacoma, WA
Pacoima, CA
Kokomo ON
Tarzana, CA
Pomona, CA
Loma Linda, CA
Escondido, CA
Cupertino, CA
Calabasis, CA
San Bernadino, CA / San Berdoo
Tuco City, Texas
Ensenada, Baja, Mexico
Rappahannock, PA
Susquahanna, PA
Zazu City, AZ
Yazoo City, AZ
Yuma, AZ
Paris, TX / Athens, GA / Rome, NY / Berlin, DE
Okefenoke, FL
Appalachacola, FL
Tallahatchee, FL
Tallahasee, FL
Opa-Locka, FL
Mango, FL
Yeehaw Junction / Yee Haw Junction, FL
Malfunction Junction Interstate #4 v Interstate #275
Howard Frankenstein Bridge
The Bride of the Howard Frankenstein Bridge was built right next to it.
Pray For Me - I Drive On U.S. 19
Sarasota, FL
Saratoga, NY
Oscaloosa, AL
Tuscaloosa, AL
Wonka Tonka, WA
Chocktaw, KY, TN or MI
Wichita, KS
Katakaka, KY
Katiakaka, WI, KY
Tackiatacka, KY or TN
Tackatackia, KY or TN
Takitakia, TN or KY
Atatash, VT
Ashtabula, AK
Del Monte, DE
Del Monte, MT
El Monte, CA
Oshkosh, WI
Kalamazoo, MI
Mahi Mahi, HI
Mahi Mahi, Hawaii
Tippy Tio, LA , TX, KY or TN
Tippy Tico, LA, TX, KY, TN or NM
Tippy Tica, LA, TX, KY or TN
Tippy Tina, LA, TX, KY or TN
Tippy Tino, LA, TX, KY or TN
Tippy Tia, LA, TX, KY or TN
Broadway Musicals:
Songs with a "Funny-Sounding" Name of a City
Atchison & Topeka R.R. Railroad (Not Road Runner) Rail Road
Chatanooga Choo-Choo
Pennsylvania 6-5000
Intercourse, PA
Parump, UT
Coffeville, KS, KY, CO
Brooklyn Blam-Blam
Brooklyn Blam-Blam
Tampa Tom-Tom
Tampa Tom-Tom Tape Terrorist
Manhattan Mau-Mau
Manhattan Mau-Mau Mixtape Mashups
art 2 (avi) in MyPictures on My computer
Manga animae?
Week of April 1-7, Mon. - Sat.
Li'l Stevie "Nicks > Nicksy, Nixxy, Nix > Stix, Sticks, Swizzle Stick" Stanga the Super Slick Shit-Slinger from Sausilito, CA, originally. Now abiding in L.A. off Beachwood Canyon Dr., (just above Franklin Ave. by the Scientology Celebrity Centre over behind where the Bougouis Pig used to be.) Hangs out at the A.F.I. nearby. Granddad wrote the Variety headlines, "Stix Nix Strike Pix" & Hix Nix Stix Pix" & "Stix Nix Hix Pix" plus "WALL ST. LAYS AN EGG" describing Black Tuesday of the beginng of the Great Depression of thwe 1930's. - THE BLONDE
and her sidekick -
Trendy Jensen - Flack-Hack-Ak-Ak from 77 Sunset Strip [a.k.a Dr.Spot] Oddball. Weirdo. - TWIST STAIR
and her girlfriend -
Aura Aborealis - Femme fatale from 77 Silicon Strip - THE SWEDE
Big Jo Stango the Vogon Brain Mugger (Brainwasher) operates SexPit7 - JEAN JACKET
and her Capo de Tuti -
Brass Latimer - Flatfoot fuzz for sale who'll go whichever way the wind blows and with whatever flow there is at any particular time whatsoever. - STUDENT AIDE ASST PROF
And her creature -
Early Early - Pure Creepy Country Meanness from Memphis, Tennessee - BAD ATTITUDE INTERN
Tray d'el Otto - Share Khan Keiretsu Stuka's 7 Zaibatsu - STIFLER'S MOM
and her Director of Research and Technical Support -
Tag Hammer - Curator - - Keyword Master - 7th Level - The Voice of the Keyword Search - Churchill's Watchwords are words to watch out for - Heinlein's Witnesses to Truth are a vested and robed Society of Noteries - Pathfinders Society of Oddfellows - STUKA'S 7 SFW 4 (Secretary, No Glasses)
D'Ardara Tataris Luxxcorp Keiretsu Sex Pit 7 Zaibatsu - CHRISTINA HENDRICKS
and her drinking buddy -
Mossima Ghini - Italian Image Consultant - Panninaro, Sicily
Collects undervalued vintage fused glass sculptures made by
Frances (1912-2004) and Michael (1908-1999) "Higgins"
Higgins Glass Studio, Riverside, Ill. and Morino Glass. HERx4
Annie Hall - Female "Babbit" by Sinclair Lewis (American Novelist 1888-1955) - 1st American Winner of 1910 Nobel Prize in Literature Babbitry - 21st Century Babbitt - County Commission mouthpiece for whom or whatever. Not really a member of the bar, quite often practices law illegally, not to mention his penchant for running up huge numbers of bogus felonius charges. She racks up a bunch of arrests that are mostly, one way or another, adjudicated "Not Guilty," 'Nol Pros", Not Prosecuted, Nol Prossed, "No Information", No Informationed. Charges dropped. It's amazing. It's a mystery. - MUFFIN LADY
Madame C'ad du Z'an - Didier - French - Ab-Duoud Khan - Afghan/Peshawar/Tehran Axis - imprisoned whistleblower slated for execution. - RAQUEL '68 (It turns out that she's a drag queen linked to a top Mexican drug cartel leader.)
Baroness Candice Kasmina Euridice - Russian Mail-Order Bride, former wife of mobbed up supercriminals/oligarchs (mostly ex-STASI)
Currently: Lover of many men and women@MacDill, A.F.B.,
Co-Conspirator, Co-Indightee, (too many case jackets to list)(2 many 2 list.goto: bazillions of case jackets)
Community Co-Committee Chairwoman - Communist Chapter of Charwomens Union, Labor Agitator, Local 113 Bossy Bombthrowers Union, Funwrecker - SOFIA VAGARA
Tennessee "Tits" McGee - "Half-Breed" Choctaw v Welsh from Nashville, TN - Instead of some sort of Trotsky Icepick, she prefers a "Tennessee Toothpick." -
Also Known As: Sweet Banana Patch - SpecialistResearcherSpecRez@BigBrainDrain.biz
A.K.A.: Swizzlestick
Accompaniest (Trap Kit) Chicky "Tooky" Totenbach gigs - AVA
Wilhemina Killkullem - Insurgency/Counter-Insurgency Consultant from New Zealand, Big 5 Expert/Croation Arms - Punisher Armory & Catalogs #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. {Punisher: Armory #1-6} Supplying Syrians, Somalians & South Africans since 1976. Degree in Medicine from a Mexican College of Medicine with a specialization in Exotic Tropical Diseses
Ebola Ranger seeking Tissue Ablation caused by Bold, Energetic, Hemoraghic Fevers, Supurating Boils, Weeping Blisters. - SCARJO BLACK WIDOW
(Zaibatsu/Keiretsu = Amalgamated Luxxcorp)
"A Good Egg" who saved his messages on a particular cell number,
and took his secretary for dinner once in a while.
xxinduced spiritual experiance psilospybin chapel in hell harvard leary psych pharmicologist nicotine ritelin protocols saliant and important experiances in gtheir lives so far changed my world no metric available build app
a re arranging experiance re wire the brain brain wash quit smoking
Friday, March 22, 2013
1 [img]http://www.google.com/imgres?q=homage+comic+book+covers&hl=en&sa=X&biw=1024&bih=534&tbm=isch&tbnid=mHGKtOMVZyeX9M:&imgrefurl=http://ilovecomiccovers.blogspot.com/2012/02/homage-wolverine-free-comic-book-day.html&docid=3Wxn5TXIPRuzWM&imgurl=http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg95/dioszine/FreeComicBookDayWolverine-WolverineSavage1.jpg&w=1023&h=781&ei=ca1MUdmGJpTa8wSq9YHQAw&zoom=1&ved=1t:3588,r:8,s:0,i:108&iact=rc&dur=4984&page=1&tbnh=187&tbnw=245&start=0&ndsp=11&tx=67&ty=85
adam hughes sketches
comic book swipe
homage comic book covers
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Dotum type ANGLES & ATTACKS bold
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Luxxcorp, BLAM_BLAM_BLAM, King_of_Batch, llll, Sharpshooter, Panelologist, Ken Quinncannon, INTERSTICIAL_OP, Luva Floof, Devlin Honeycutt, Connor Underwood, Mr.io9, lilurl, Hello, Stoic Man, Sharpshooter7, Blasted-Heath, Stinger77, Anno-Dravidian, User Name, RETROBULLETS, ISISISIS, o0ollllo0o and Ki11switch.
The Raja of Calcutta, Sanjeep Sanjeet?
and Technical Support Pradip (no last name provided)
Monday, March 18, 2013
.Pre WW2 Pre WWII Pre World War II Pre World War 2
Dutch Stuka Divebomber Plans sold to
Pre WW2 Pre WWII Pre World War II Pre World War 2
Nazi Dive Bomber Aircraft Works via
The Netherlands Stuka Aircraft Works
(Dutch Multi-National Corporation)
Swedish War Profiteers also sold war materials.
Saab Between the World Wars: Interregnum Sweden (Swedes)
Swedish Irregular Intersticial Operators
.lic. w/ State of FL to teach -
I've carved out my niche in comics and it's Romance and Charltons.
.Ellen James Society
Year of the Dragon Mickey O'Rourke, John Woo
Sunday, March 17, 2013
First There Was Lord Jim
Then Came Bronson
Lord Ken Cometh
Now Comes Lord Ken
Then Came Ken
Lord Ken
My Lord Kensington
Lord Kensington Quinncannon
Tom/Tim? Dorsey, Odessa, FL., creator of
Serge the Serial Killer from Tampa?
It's Lord Jim, Hawaii, Heart of Darkness, Apocalypse, Now,
Holly Camfield:
Internet Messiah, Internet Jesus, Web Messiah, Web Christ,
Denzel mex kidnap, Fight Club, Demon Lover, TomorrowFile, Demon Seed, Neuromancer, Count Zero, Mona Lisa Overdrive, William Gibson Trilogies, Matrix Trilogy, Godfather Trilogy,
Terry Gilliam Trilogy, (Time Bandits, Brazil and?),
All Chuck Polanuechuck's books
Twin Peaks, Wild Palms, The X-Files, Millenium, The Lone Gunmen, Star Trek (Kirk over Picard), Space: 1999, The Twilight Zone, The Outer Limits, Night Gallery,
Jonny Quest, The Simpsons, The Family Guy, Futurama, American Dad, MST3K, Space Ghost Coast-to-Coast, Harvey Birdman: Attorney-at-Law, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Sealab 2020, Bill & Ted's Most Excellant Show. Great Job,
A-Team Resevoir Dogs Pulp Fiction
mashed-up with
Route 66, 77 Sunset Strip, Run, Buddy, Run, Easy Rider, Then Came Bronson, The Immortal: They All Want His Blood, Kung Fu and The Incredible Hulk, The Magician, The A-Team,
Burn Notice, Wise Guys, Oz, The Sopranos, Breaking Bad,
Baton Rouge, LA
Chocktaw Ridge, TN
Upper Topper, TX
Lower Topper, TX
Upper Bottomtop, ID
Lower Bottomtop, ID
Upper Overland Park, MI
Lower Overland Heights, NJ
Upper Underwood, MD
Lower Underwood, NJ
Upper Marlboro, MD
Upper Manattan, New York City, NY
Lower Manhattan, New York City, NY
Upper Knickerbocker, ID
Knichoer Bacher, NE
Totenbuch Bosch-Bach from Bad Totenbuch
Bosch Bach Totenbuch from Bad Totenbuch
Dr. Heinrich von Totenbuch from Bad Contache
Contache Consiglierie Heinrich Bosch-Bacher, Esq.
Lower Slobovia, Czech Republic
Lower Crankcase, KY
Upper Escondido, CA
Upper Ensenada, Baja, Mexico
Warner Bros. cartoon train conductor announces
the cities with funny names serviced on the train line.
Cucamonga, CA
Walla Walla, WA
Cheboygin, WI, MI or IL
Kankake, IL
Tacomis, WA
Tacoma, WA
Pacoima, CA
Kokomo ON
Tarzana, CA
Pomona, CA
Loma Linda, CA
Escondido, CA
Cupertino, CA
Calabasis, CA
San Bernadino, CA / San Berdoo
Tuco City, Texas
Ensenada, Baja, Mexico
Rappahannock, PA
Susquahanna, PA
Zazu City, AZ
Yazoo City, AZ
Yuma, AZ
Paris, TX / Athens, GA / Rome, NY / Berlin, DE
Okefenoke, FL
Appalachacola, FL
Tallahatchee, FL
Tallahasee, FL
Opa-Locka, FL
Mango, FL
Yeehaw Junction / Yee Haw Junction, FL
Malfunction Junction Interstate #4 v Interstate #275
Howard Frankenstein Bridge
The Bride of the Howard Frankenstein Bridge was built right next to it.
Pray For Me - I Drive On U.S. 19
Sarasota, FL
Saratoga, NY
Oscaloosa, AL
Tuscaloosa, AL
Wonka Tonka, WA
Chocktaw, KY, TN or MI
Wichita, KS
Katakaka, KY
Katiakaka, WI, KY
Tackiatacka, KY or TN
Tackatackia, KY or TN
Takitakia, TN or KY
Atatash, VT
Ashtabula, AK
Del Monte, DE
Del Monte, MT
El Monte, CA
Oshkosh, WI
Kalamazoo, MI
Mahi Mahi, HI
Mahi Mahi, Hawaii
Tippy Tio, LA , TX, KY or TN
Tippy Tico, LA, TX, KY, TN or NM
Tippy Tica, LA, TX, KY or TN
Tippy Tina, LA, TX, KY or TN
Tippy Tino, LA, TX, KY or TN
Tippy Tia, LA, TX, KY or TN
Broadway Musicals:
Songs with a "Funny-Sounding" Name of a City
Atchison & Topeka R.R. Railroad (Not Road Runner) Rail Road
Chatanooga Choo-Choo
Pennsylvania 6-5000
Intercourse, PA
Parump, UT
Coffeville, KS, KY, CO
Brooklyn Blam-Blam
Brooklyn Blam-Blam
Tampa Tom-Tom
Tampa Tom-Tom Tape Terrorist
Manhattan Mau-Mau
Manhattan Mau-Mau Mixtape Mashups
Foreign Import, Terrorist Variant Cut,
German Comic Book Cover Variant Art B
It's like a crappy Appleby's
The Yellow Peril
. Trajen Pro / TERRY & THE PIRATES
. Mool Boran / THE DRAGON LADY
Trey d'el Otto / STEVE CANYON
D'Ardara Tataris / BUZ SAWYER
Race Bannon (Jonny Quest)
Maggie, Hopey, Penny Century and Rand Race
(Love & Rockets)
Ender's Game of Drones / Drone Rides
El Terror de la Mafia China
The Law Firm of Witherspoon, Higgenbotham and Steptoe
. Tanaka Tahoma
Atlanta Brave / Tachomasac / Take Home a Sack
Tahoma Tanaka
Navy S.E.A.L. Team 6 / Samoan / Japanese
Swedish via Tacoma, Washington, U.S.A.
His name should be Tacoma Tanaka except Tahoma Tanaka was mispelled and registered in the official birth records that way by mistake. No one ever bothered to fix it. And all of this fuss and to do could've been well avoided.
. Fight the Enemy > Chicoms
Only the Dead are Free from
The Red Menace of The Yellow Peril
Only the dead are free of the yellow peril of the red menace.
. Verdana Quinntana-Roo / Poor Little Rich Girl or Penny Century [Love & Rockets]
An Astute Operative / Interstitial Operator
. Arial Atatashstash / Satan's Hood Ornament / Hopey [Love & Rockets]
. Cyan Sans Cerise / Maggie [Love & Rockets]Will Eisner's The Spirit Noir / Rogues Gallery of Femme Fatale Mugshots
Only the dead are free of the yellow peril of the red menace.
Li'l Stevie Stango the Super Slick Shit-Slinger
and his sidekick -
Trendy Jensen - Flack-Hack-Ak-Ak from 77 Sunset Strip [a.k.a Dr.Spot] Oddball. Weirdo.
and his girlfriend -
Aura Aborealis - Femme fatale from 77 Silicon Strip
Big Joe Stango the Vogon Brain Mugger (Brainwasher)
and his Capo de Tuti -
Brass Latimer - Flatfoot fuzz for sale who'll go whichever way the wind is blowing and with whatever flow there is at any particular time whatsoever.
And his creature -
Earl Early - Pure Creepy Country Meanness from Memphis, Tennessee
Trey d'el Otto - Share Khan Keiretsu Stuka's 7 Zaibatsu
and his Director of Research and Technical Support -
Tag Hammer - Curator - - Keyword Master - 7th Level - The Voice of the Keyword Search - Churchill's Watchwords are words to watch out for - Heinlein's Witnesses to Truth are a vested and robed Society of Noteries - Pathfinders Society of Oddfellows
D'Ardara Tataris Luxxcorp Keiretsu Sex Pit 7 Zaibatsu
and his drinking buddy -
Mossimo Ghini - Italian Image Consultant - Panninaro, Sicily
Collects undervalued vintage fused glass sculptures made by
Frances (1912-2004) and Michael (1908-1999) "Higgins"
Higgins Glass Studio, Riverside, Ill. and Morino Glass.
Banner Hall - "Babbit" by Sinclair Lewis (American Novelist 1888-1955) - 1st American Winner of 1910 Nobel Prize in Literature Babbitry - 21st Century Babbitt - County Commission mouthpiece for whom or whatever. Not really a member of the bar, quite often practices law illegally, not to mention his penchant for running up huge numbers of bogus felonius charges. He racks up a bunch of arrests that are mostly, one way or another, adjudicated "Not Guilty," 'Nol Pros", Not Prosecuted, Nol Prossed, "No Information", No Informationed. Charges dropped. It's amazing. It's a mystery.
Monseur C'ad du Z'an - Didier - French - Ab-Duoud Khan - Afghan/Peshawar/Tehran Axis - imprisoned whistleblower slated for execution.
Madam Candice Kasmina Euridice - Russian Mail-Order Bride, former wife of mobbed up supercriminals (mostly ex-STASI)
Currently: Lover of many men and women @MacDill, A.F.B.,
Co-Conspirator, Co-Indightee, (too many case jackets to list)(2 many 2 list.goto: bazillions of case jackets)
Community Co-Committee Chairwoman - Communist Chapter of Charwomens Union, Labor Agitator, Local 113 Bossy Bombthrowers Union, Funwrecker
Richard Thunder Stick - "Half-Breed" Choctaw v Welsh -
Also Known As: Dick "Swizzle" Stick - Instead of some sort of Trotsky Icepick, he prefers a "Tennessee Toothpick." - SpecialistResearcherSpecRez@Big BrainDrain.biz -
A.K.A.: Dix "Swizzle" Sticks -
Accompanianst (Trap Kit) Bix Beiderbeck gigs
Bill Killcullum - Australian Insurgency/Counter-Insurgency Consultant, Big 5 Expert /Croation Arms - Punisher Armory & Catalogs #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. {Punisher: Armory #1-6} Supplying Syrians, Somalians & South Africans since 1976. Degree in Medicine from a Mexican College of Medicine with a specialization in Exotic Tropical Diseses
Ebola Ranger seeking Tissue Ablation caused by Bold, Energetic, Hemoraghic Fevers, Supurating Boils, Weeping Blisters.
(Zaibatsu/Keiretsu = Amalgamated Luxxcorp)
"A Good Egg" who saved his messages on a particular cell number,
and took his secretary for dinner once in a while.
Tampa Bay Branding Irons
Radio Controlled Missle Rides
Luxxcorp in negotions w/FAA for South FL Airspace Rights
Completely Safe sez Gov. Safety Expert
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Comment_Crew@PT_16479 CommentCrew@PT16479
Terry and the Pirates v The Dragon Lady
Inmates of Chinese Prison Labor Camps Reeducation Camps
Know Your Enemy
Fred Kaplan's,"The Insurgeants" Insurgents Insurgeonce "You Can't Take It With You"
Chinese Irony
The Waterboarding Song - U.S. President George W. Bush's Torture Transcripts. Sung. U.S. President George W. Bush's Torture transcripts with musical accompanyment. U.S. President George W. Bush's Torture transcripts set to song, U.S. President George W. Bush's Torture transcripts set to music, U.S. President George W. Bush's Torture transcripts musically narrated
Chinese government hackers malisciously breaking secure computer codes and trespassing with intent, or commercial, criminal cyber espionage and/or warfare or for other more or less nefarious intents
Chinese Labor convict leasing in the U.S.
People's Liberation Army
Red Chinese Army
People's Liberation Party
Human Rights Violations
Self-immoliating zen preists
Chinese Doppleganger
Chinese New Year
Boxer Rebellion
The Last Emporer
Bejing Blogger
The Blogger from Shanghai
Human Rights Catastrophe
Wei Bau Twiiter Justice
Chinese Democracy
Teinamen Square
Maoist Bookstore, Los Angeles
Maoist Propoganda Art Posters
Maoist Propoganda Poster Art
Maoist Propoganda Banners
Maoist Propoganda Flags
Maoist Propoganda Comic Books
Maoist Propoganda Artists and Models
Chinese Oil Painting on canvas industry aetliers art studios
Labor Education Re-indoctrination Re-education
O .
O .
O .
O . .
Trey d'el Otto
D'Ardara Tataris
Trey d'el Otto Share Khan Keiretsu Keyword Master 7 Zaibatsu
D'Ardara Tataris Luxxcorp Keiretsu Sex Pit 7 Zaibatsu
Louis Cook James, Jr. Keiretsu Stuka's 7 Zaibatsu
Yes, they're thugs and goons. But they're OUR thugs and goons.
Occupy L.A., self-rightious vigilante hackers whose crimes are morally not too unlike those espoused on the Showtime Cable Television Program, "Dexter," Eco-Terrorists, Monkey Wrenchers, ad saboteuers, hoaxers, con men, entrepreneurs, hucksters
Tampa Bay: West SunCoast of the Eastern Seaboard / The West Coast of the East Coast / Tampa Bay Branding Irons / TampaBayBrand@BrandersBay.Tampa Bay Branding Irons / Brand TampaBay@branders
...CGC Thread...
.Yellow Peril (Hackers) Red Menace (Drones) Chicoms.
Red Menace 2 Society
Red Menacing Yellow Peril Yellow
Perilous Yellow Menace of the Red Chicoms
Menacing Yellow Peril of the Red Chicoms
Perilous Red Menace of the Yellow Chicoms
Menacing Red Peril of the Yellow Chicoms
Pauline: Put in Peril
by Prof. Psing Tse-Pong@chicoms.shanghai.h.k.red.china
/ Tze-Dong / Zedung / Mao tse Dung / Mao tse Tung
Red Slavers and Yellow Opiates
Yellow Slavers and Red Opiates
The Menacing Red Chinese Peril 2 Society
The Perilous Red Chinese Menace 2 Society
The "I am Curious (CHICOM! version) of The Yellow Perils of Red Pauline"
The "I am Curious (Red Variant version) of The Red Perils of Yellow Pauline"
Comment Crew, Shanghai, Red China / Chicom Hackers / Organized Vigilante Hackers
Tibetin Zen Monks Lighting Up / Government. Re-Education Camps / Homeless Refuges
The Intersticial Operator, et al
vs. The Lincoln Brigade / Log Cabin Republicans / Lapsed Plutocrats / Chronic Do-Gooders / Pennyless ex-Playboys of the West SunCoast of the Eastern Seaboard / The West Coast of the East Coast / Tampa Bay Branding Irons / TampaBayBrand@BrandersBay.Tampa Bay Branding Irons / Brand TampaBay@branders
Press Release Announcing
Stuka's 7
Publishing Company
Art/Story - Commissions
I'm sorry. I don't do business with friends.
This kind of clarity isn't rude, it's a show of respect.
You don't want to be rude, I don't want to waste your time and
I'll never press you to the point that you're uncomfortable.
That would be rude.
And besides, friendship confers no special obligations, anyway.
Well, at least, it shouldn't.
Love Cove
KenCorp KenCore - Supes - ClarkCorp ClarkCore - KentCorp KentCore
Lexxcorp Luxxcorp Luva Floof Luva
User name "Hey." CGC-LCJ - El Sea Jay, Elsie Jay, LCJ
Bobby Hardball and that Oddball, Weirdo, Jack-Off Jimmy on the Ouija Board
Sync Pulse of the Nation/World/Tribe/Internet/Web/Net
Prof. Bizwah
Toxic Innovation
Nathan Armstrong
Christina Bellantoni
Shira Toeplitz
Crazy Annie Loves Joe Buck
The Gator Club at the Crab Shack
Nelson Rockwell and Mr. Lydecker
Jennifer Salt
Judge Thomas Good Jones
Rebecca Luca Luger
Rebecca Luna Luger
Saint Siffrian's by Baron Le Sifre
A Boy Named Hsu, A Boy Names Tsu,
A Boy Named Sue And A Boy Named Stu.
AxisCorp - CherceChile/Mexico/Tampa
Sirata Beach, Florida Suncoast
"Home of Avuncular Uncles & Avaroushious Avaricious Atroscious Aunts
(Glenn Gould & Petula Clarke.)
Did I mention your Grandparents? Great-grandparents?"
Murky Assumptions
Emotional zEN kOAN kONE cONE cOEN cOHEN
The Fourteen Brothers, The Sons of Otis and Hancock,
together with
The Twenty-Seven Brides, The Daughers of Cyrus, Osyrus and Isis,
ruled the world.
Professors, Pundits, Fact Checkers, Factcheckers, Factchequeur, Suicide Girlz, Riot Grrlz,
Researchers, Girl Reporters, Cybersleuths, Safecrackers, Code Breakers, Code Brokers, CodexChequeurs
Strippers & Escorts/Sex Workers,
Room Service, Scullery Maidens, Drunks
Friday Off: The New Saturday of a 3-Day Weekend
(The New Normal 3-Day Weekend: Fri. - Sun.)
Stay n Play Sunday
Manic Fun Day Monday of a 3-Day Weekend
(The New Normal 3-Day Weekend: Fri. - Sun.)
Tuesday the Twealth of March
Wealfy Wednesday is next.
Or Whitey Wednesday
Celtic Forest God Woden Windsday
Celtic Forest Diety Woden Winsday
Pope Francis I from Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America
Pope Francis the First from Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America
First Third World Pope
First Spanish Pope
First American Pope
First South American Pope
First Brazilian Pope
George Mario Bergolio
I'm off until Monday."
[Thursday = The New Friday - TGIT!] of 3-Day Weekend
(The New Normal 4-Day Workweek: Mon. - Thur.)
Finally, Road Trip Friday Roadtrip / Ditrteenth of December /
Friday Freakshow Roadtrip
(The New Normal 4-Day Workweek: Mon. - Thur.)
OMAGE = ODE > Uncle Sam, "I Want You To SHHHHHH"
Guantanamo Drone
Guantanamo Autonomon
The Cocked and Locked Floor
Convivium, Symposium, Colloquium
The goboes are moraying
Bogus "Seal of Approval"
Bogus seals of approval.
Reduced Essences of Refined Oils - Tempered by Nucleic Acid Baths and Stoppers.
Comes in an actual size "I Dream of Jeannie" gem-encrusted decanter bottle with stopper.
Cake, Cake, Cake
Ass. Ass. Ass.
Operator, Curator, Brander
7th Level Keyword Master
Flashbang Chaff
Big Slick magazine
Big Slick Brand
Big Slick and Li'l Cracky
Curatorium, curatorial
Gerber 9 and 10
Doug Sulipa's List
Alison Knipe
Funboy 3, funman Fun Man 5
Shit and things happened to me and stuff that matters.
Thrasher Thurston
Connor Culbertson
Connor Culverhouse
Connor Colbertson
Connor Culpritson
Connor Dickenson
The Mad Indexer - After the J. G. Ballard short story read in re: RE: Search TPB
Forgotten Index of Autobiographical Whistleblowered Imprisoned,
Disappeared and Erased from History. Found.
Only Extant Fragment of the index that names way too, too, too many names.
Institute for Advanced - Studies
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