Thy shape resembleth a glass of sweet wine So to the waifish guttersnipes I proclaim: Thou'rt not divine, onion-headed lasses! Rather introduce me to a lady of the court, One of such striking beauty that I am smitten by her glory And whose curves show that she lacks for neither nourishment nor health Some blatherskytes speak ill of women in my company For their tongues are sharpened by jealousy They squandered their one opportunity with such damsels by acting the churl And I fly to the scorned and praise their beauty So if thy bustle is elliptical And thy womanly fires burn hungrily for one to stoke the flames Please see my man Godwin for my card And do call on Sunday for tea

Labels: 77 Silicon Strip, 77 SiliconStrip, Home, Homme, House Garden, La Pacifica, Mad Beach, Obergist A, Oceanus, Port Watson, Safehaus A, Sex Pit 7, SexPit 7, Seychelle Islands, Straylite, The Moon
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