Fake Fashion Magazine Covers Women Abuse
Crowdfunding platform Catapult details real issues facing women in these parody magazine covers in order to raise awareness.
Women around the world face a number of serious threats to their person, ranging from slavery, sexual and physical abuse, forced prostitution and marriage, and physical mutilation. It is easy to forget in our day-to-day lives that these atrocities happen everywhere, even in our own neighborhoods, to young women who cannot defend themselves for fear of torture and death. Crowdfunding platform Catapult found a way to bring the issue to the forefront of people’s minds — displaying them as fake magazine covers.

The project, entitled Cover Stories, is meant to bring awareness to International Women’s Day (March 8th) and the issues still facing women and girls all around the world. Each cover comes with a specific fact attached, such as “In New York City, the average age at which a girl first becomes a victim of commercial sexual exploitation is 13.” for the cover above or ”This year, 14 million girls – some as young as eight years old – will be married against their will” for the cover below. Each cover has a link for people to help donate or support foundations dedicated to eradicating these problems.

The purpose of the covers also goes beyond gaining support for specific projects and charities. Despite the practice being put into effect as early as 1908 U.S., it is a day that often passes by without much fanfare or attention. What these covers ultimately attempt to do is to remind people that there are still so many issues that women face today and to use March 8th as a day to lend support to fighting back against them for those who can’t.

Images: Catapult
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